Dear Friends,

With lockdowns it is hard to just “bump into” someone, but this week I bumped into someone I haven't chatted with for a couple of months. About 5 minutes into our chat, he smiled, shook his head and said, “George, I feel guilty saying this, but I love this lockdown. I am really enjoying it. Having a great time. I don’t like it that so many businesses have gone under and people are unemployed - but, I am having a great time with this lockdown.” We chatted about this and it made me smile because my last blog was about people feeling “down”, at least a little bit, because of the lockdown. The Lord showed me I was wrong. This is a good thing! A couple of thoughts.

First, as Christians we should expect variety not sameness. I confess that I was surprised by my friend's genuine smile and his disarming comment. His smile and comment revealed to me that I had expected sameness, that is why I was surprised that he was enjoying the lockdown. But really in the local church (and with people in general), it should be sameness that surprises us, not variety. The Lord has designed the church to be “at one” about the most important matters, but to have a wonderful range of differences outside of these “at one” matters. Read Ephesians 4:1-16. Here is one part of that longer passage, “There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call - one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father who is over all and through all and in all.” (vs 4-6 ESV). Apart from these “one’s”, we differ in politics, music, temperament, abilities, fashion sense, diet - on and on, world without end. He gives grace to each. Each of us is unique. The more we are gripped by the Gospel and shaped by grace the more our “uniquenesses” come out in good ways.

Second, rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. God’s word does not require that we all react emotionally the same way at the same time. The lockdowns have not affected everyone equally. Some are now unemployed. Some have now gone out of business. Some show up for work just as before, with the inconveniences of masks. Some now work at home. Some are in businesses that are thriving. We are all over the map in terms of the effect of child care and work. But on top of this, even those affected the same way do not all react the same way to what happens. By exhorting us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15), the Bible is setting forth the freedom for people to react emotionally in different ways. It is also telling us to use our freedom in a way which is attentive and compassionate to others. So don’t pretend to be feeling down when you are not. Be unashamed about this. But at the same time, do not close your eyes, ears, and heart to those having a rough time.

Third, “and whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17). If this is a sweet time of quiet and rest for you - give thanks to the Lord! Quiet, sweetness, rest, and joy are from God. Don’t apologize. Give thanks. But as I wrote in my last blog, many are having hard times. You can be sure that the Lord is calling you to pray for those whom you know are feeling down, and also to pray for those in Messiah, both known and unknown to you, who are having a hard time. As well, from your place of joy, maybe the Lord is calling you to step up, take the initiative, and reach out to those who are down. Send a card. Invite them for a walk. Watch a movie together through Amazon Prime and then dissect it later. Be creative. In all things pray. In all things, act in Jesus’ name and for His glory.



