Dear Friends,

This Monday (April 26) I will go to City Hall and get vaccinated. Most of you reading this will just say, "That's interesting." Some of you will be very bothered that I am getting vaccinated. Others of you will be very bothered that some people are bothered! In other words, some of you will say, "Of course you should get vaccinated, only fools are against vaccination." Others of you will say, "Of course you should not get vaccinated, only fools are in favour of vaccination." Interestingly enough, both groups of people call the Church of the Messiah their church home. A couple of comments.

First, we need to be a church who is clear when the Bible is clear. There are several moral issues where what most Canadians say is true and good, the Bible clearly says is false and bad. Even if it costs you, you need to humbly, winsomely, gently, and clearly commend what the Bible teaches. The Bible speaks very clearly on many other very important matters, once again, you should pray that you have the humility and courage to stick with what the Bible says, even if it is personally inconvenient, or is offensive to Canadians.

Second, the Bible does not speak clearly about everything, so where the Bible is unclear or silent, you should be gentle. Here you need to exercise great care. The Bible can inform and point in certain directions, but every step beyond what the Bible is clear on means you need to practice more grace and gentleness with those who disagree. (James 3:17-18) Is the government following the best science? What are the best ways to handle the pandemic? Is the media stirring up hysteria? Are the vaccines safe and effective? Has the government made a good case to limit basic rights and freedoms at this time? Are Christians being discriminated against? I can tell you right now, the Bible does not say anything about these matters. So, we need to be gentle with each other, often agreeing to disagree.

Third, for a Christian, the truth is your friend. Just because the Bible is silent on many matters does not mean everything outside of the bible is gray, uncertain, and relativistic. You can know historical and scientific truths. Not every economic theory is equally good. Some political systems have a track record of being unjust and impoverishing. Christians should always seek to know the truth. Truth should always be important to a Christian (John 14:6, Rom.12:1-2; Isaiah 8:11-15). Christians should lead the way in wanting to go beneath the glib assurances of a consensus and ask the tough questions and do the hard thinking that leads to greater light and truth.

Fourth, until truth is known, we should be curious, humble, gentle, and open to fruitful conversation. That is where we are with COVID-19. Here I will say that it does not seem as if the mainstream media and government agree with what I have written. They seem to think there is only one view at any one time and shame those who dissent. But this is where it is most important for Christians not to get sucked into the dominant narrative, or convenient counter narratives, and lift them up as if THIS is the Christian position. We are not, and should not be, a church united on political and social issues. Where the bible is silent, and where the truth of something has not been clearly established, we can differ. Hopefully we can be a place where real conversations and real curiosity can flourish without defensiveness or shaming.

In conclusion. I have chosen to get vaccinated on Monday. I will not tell you my views on matters that are contested beyond the dominant media and government narratives. I am not telling you to get vaccinated or not. We can differ. For me, I am going to get vaccinated as an act of submission to the government, and to help in restoring civil society and the prospering of the community. May the Lord have mercy on our city and our nation. May He have mercy on Messiah, that by His grace and for His glory, we will be a center of light and life to our city.



