Dear Friends,

A couple of weeks ago I was on a zoom meeting with local pastors and Christians leaders from different denominations. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, I asked them if they had started their budget process for 2021. Some had, some had not. However, everyone agreed that it is going to be difficult to “assess” our givings in 2020 and plan for ministry and a budget in 2021. A couple of thoughts.

First, this year has brought home what is always true - we do not know the future. Now of course we know one very important aspect of the future, namely, that at the right time, Jesus will return. He will bring this world to an end. There will be a final judgement. The Triune God will create the New Heaven and Earth where God Himself will dwell with His redeemed people. Knowing that this is the End of history is very important and should shape how we live, think and plan. The fact that the Lord is Sovereign and is only working on His “Plan A”; that He does not need a “Plan B”; this also is an important truth for the Christian to grab hold of amid “the changes and chances of this fleeting world”. But, only the Lord knows what will happen in 2021, we do not. When we made our budget and ministry plans for 2020, we obviously did not know what would happen. But God did. We need to make plans and budgets for 2021. It is wise to do so, and foolish not to. But at the same time we need to make our plans and budgets “lightly”, given that we do not “see into a glass darkly” - we do not see the future at all. The Triune God does. We do not.

Second, our hope is not that we know the future, but that we know the Lord who does know the future. This truth does not give us better access to the future, but it does make clear our day-to-day reality and hope. We face the future with Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We plan and minister with Jesus, who is the Good Shepherd. Better, “the Lord is my good Shepherd, I lack nothing” (First line of Psalm 23, paraphrased). The Bible says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105 NIV).There is great comfort in knowing that He is with us as all knowing Saviour and Lord, step-by-step, even if we cannot see far down the path.

Third, depend on it. God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply. This famous quote from Hudson Taylor summarizes much biblical wisdom. It shows us the key to planning, both in our personal lives and in our churches. Pray that we as a church will seek the Lord’s will. Pray that when repentance is called for we will repent. When risky faith is called for we will have risky faith. If a ministry has reached its end, we will end it. If a new ministry is being called for we will begin it. Pray that we will live and minister in keeping with God’s word in a self-effacing Christ honouring way. Pray the Lord will continually reform us by His word written. Pray that He will revive and renew us by His Holy Spirit for His praise and glory. Pray that we will have the heart of John the Baptist and truly say, “He must increase and we must decrease.”

Finally, pray that the Lord will guide and provide as we finish 2020 and plan and minister in 2021. The Lord has been kind and gracious to us. He has met, and is meeting, our needs. We still have so much more to learn, to do, to repent of, and to grow into. But Jesus is our Saviour. He is faithful. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So, pray for our church. Pray for each other. Pray for clergy, council, leaders, staff and people. Pray that the Lord will guide and provide as we seek to do His work, His way, to His glory.



