Dear friends,

Many of us believe we cannot evangelize. If we are in an evangelical church, we will occasionally feel guilty about this. Our life seems marked by unanswered prayer, by-passed opportunities, and clumsy efforts. You are not alone. Hopefully the following words will encourage you.

First, you never have to carry the weight of evangelism. It is not yours to carry. God is the only one who can turn a person’s heart. He is the only true evangelist.

Second, God usually uses ordinary people as He evangelizes. Some become Christians through dreams or some other miraculous intervention. However, cases like this seem to be the exception rather than the rule. God uses ordinary people like you and me to bear witness to Jesus. The Holy Spirit uses “our” words to bring a person to saving faith.

Third, God uses a “team” of people to evangelize. You do not have to do all of the witnessing. If you talk to adult converts, you will usually hear how God used a variety of people as part of the journey which culminated in the person becoming a Christian. So when an opportunity arises, bear simply witness to the fact that you are a follower of Jesus. You are part of a series of encounters that God is using.

Fourth, God wants us to pray that people will come to saving faith in Jesus. Please consider praying for at least three people every day. Be simple. Be humble. Pray something like, “Dear God, please bring A, B and C to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.”

Fifth, God wants us to pray for people involved in intentional evangelism. Churches and people will organize events like “Vacation Bible School” or “Alpha Courses” or “Christianity Explored” These events have an evangelistic heart. Pray for them! Ask God to use these events to bring people to saving faith in Jesus.

Sixth, God wants to use the local church in evangelism. Please pray that God will use your local church in evangelism. Pray that the public worship times will be evangelistic. Pray that the people of the church will bear witness to Jesus. Pray that the church will organize times of intentional evangelism. Pray that the church will prayerfully and financially support intentional evangelism.

Seventh, if you fail, do not despair or give up or become cynical. Ask God to help you today and tomorrow. Please pray for me!

George +


