Dear Friends,

Please pray for all the saints. Remember in the New Testament, the word “saint” applies to anyone and everyone who is a Christian. A “saint” is not a special, elite Christian. A saint is an ordinary person who has trusted Jesus as their saviour and Lord. So …

Please pray for the missionaries we work with and support. B in A*** with Wycliffe Associates; P and J in C*NTR*L A*** with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students and Interserve; S in Northern Africa working with evangelical Anglicans and others; Aaron in Jerusalem with CMJ (Churches Ministry among the Jewish people); Norm and Audrey in Angola with SIM. Please pray for their health and safety, as well as faithful Gospel ministry.

Please pray that the Lord will guide and provide for Messiah Kanata. Pray for more prayer partners. Pray that the Lord will raise up people in Kanata/Stittsville to launch the church. Pray that the Lord will use this new church in evangelism and discipleship. Pray for Daniel and Christine Avitan, the Rector and Council, as we follow the Lord’s leading. Please pray as well for Michael Chhangur who is planting a PCA church in Halifax. Finally, please join me in praying for 100 more ANiC church planters in Canada and 7 more for Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.

Please pray for Compassion Guatemala and the “Guatemala Collective”. Pray that the Lord will use Compassion Guatemala and our partnership with them along with other Ottawa churches to “release children from property in Jesus’ Name”. Pray for the local churches in Guatemala working with Compassion, that they will love children well, provide for the child's flourishing and share the Gospel with the child (and their family).

Please pray for Ryle Seminary. Ask the Lord to guide and provide. Please pray that the Lord will lead more students to attend. Please pray that the Lord will provide financially. Pray that the Lord will use us to train unashamed workers who are unashamed of the Gospel and unashamed of the whole council of God, with the hearts, minds and skills of missionaries to reach Canada for Christ.

Please pray for our outreach of evangelism and discipleship to the University of Ottawa - Church on Wednesday. Please pray for Matt Usherwood as he provides leadership. Pray that the Lord will guide and provide, that He will draw people, both Christian and non-Christian to hear God’s praise sung, the Bible taught, the Gospel proclaimed. 

Please pray for two potential new outreaches in 2020. Please pray for Victor as he provides leadership and that Messiah will follow the Lord’s leading to start a ministry to Christians (and others) in the workplace. Please pray as well that the Lord will provide someone to lead a ministry to young adults (what used to be called College and Careers). Oh yes, please pray that we discern the Lord’s leading to find a youth minister to continue ministering to Junior High and High School aged kids. 

Please pray for our Ministry Intern Ministry. This is an important ministry that both helps people discern whether the Lord is calling them to make their living from Gospel ministry, and helps them develop their skills, talents and gifts as Christian leaders, workers and ministers. Pray for the Lord’s financial provision. Pray we do this ministry well.

Finally, as we enter into Advent and Christmas, please pray that we will welcome guests well and invite guests well. Pray that there will be an anointing of the Holy Spirit upon the Services. Pray the Lord will reform us by the Bible, revive us by the Holy Spirit, and renew us to proclaim the Gospel, preach the Bible, bless the city.



