Growing in Grace

I need to develop godly attitudes.

A) Pray for godly attitudes in general & certain attitudes in particular.

B) Ask others to pray the same thing for you.

C) Repeat the attitude to help it sink in. Do this in conjunction with A & B!


1. The Lord always hears your prayers with wise ears of love.

2. The Lord will not say "Yes" to your prayer if it means you will turn your back on Him.

3. The Lord desires to remove your rose-colored glasses, your blinders, and your blindfold so that the real you can walk with him in the real world.

I need to grow in prayer.

A great way to do this is to learn to pray the Bible. Pray this prayer until you can pray without reading:

A prayer based on James 4:1-6

Almighty God, who always opposes our pride; and always gives vastly more grace than both the power of our sin and what we deserve because of our sin, please humble us to live by the grace that comes to us by faith in Jesus Christ, our crucified Saviour and risen Lord. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

I need to get God’s word in my mind and heart.

"But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

James 4:6 (ESV)

I need to do something or start to do something.

Complete the following sentence: “In light of God’s word, the Holy Spirit is leading me to __________________________.”


Growing in Grace


Growing in Grace