Growing in Grace

I need to develop godly attitudes.

A) Pray for godly attitudes in general & certain attitudes in particular.

B) Ask others to pray the same thing for you.

C) Repeat the attitude to help it sink in. Do this in conjunction with A & B!


1. The more you seek to exalt yourself the more you are diminished.

2. The Lord will not amputate your capacity for longing, but He will repair, revive, reorder, and "re-aim" your longings.

3. You cannot receive grace from the Triune God without beginning to submit to His grace.

I need to grow in prayer.

A great way to do this is to learn to pray the Bible. Pray this prayer until you can pray without reading:

A prayer based on James 4:6-10

Almighty God and heavenly Father, You give greater grace than all our sin. In Your tender mercy You oppose the proud and give grace to the humble. Have mercy upon me and help me to submit to You, resist the devil, and then draw near to You, so that I may live a penitent life to Your glory, trusting always in Jesus Christ, the hope of glory. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, three persons, one God. AMEN

I need to get God’s word in my mind and heart.

"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

James 4:10 (ESV)

I need to do something or start to do something.

Complete the following sentence: “In light of God’s word, the Holy Spirit is leading me to __________________________.”


Growing in Grace


Growing in Grace