Growing in Grace

I need to develop godly attitudes.

A) Pray for godly attitudes in general & certain attitudes in particular.

B) Ask others to pray the same thing for you.

C) Repeat the attitude to help it sink in. Do this in conjunction with A & B!


1. You are a mist with delusions of being a god.

2. You are a mist, and the Triune God has put the longing for eternity into your heart.

3. The future is only in the hands of the Lord, and by grace, you are in His hands.

I need to grow in prayer.

A great way to do this is to learn to pray the Bible. Pray this prayer until you can pray without reading:

A prayer based on James 4:11-5:6

O Lord almighty, You do not delight in the death of a sinner, but would rather that we will turn from our wickedness and live. Please reveal to us the idols that we make of ourselves, of money, of control, and of luxury. In Your mercy, help us to be gripped with the Gospel, and humble ourselves, so that we will be a blessing to others as we live generous lives for the good of Your church, the good of our neighbours, and for Your great glory. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

I need to get God’s word in my mind and heart.

"So whoever knows what is good to do and does not do it is guilty of sin." James 4: 17 (NET)

I need to do something or start to do something.

Complete the following sentence: “In light of God’s word, the Holy Spirit is leading me to __________________________.”


Growing in Grace


Growing in Grace